A tool for Google Ads without any competition

Everyone who has their own e-shop and is not interested in current trends in the online space, especially with Google, will find it difficult to profit. Google is an international giant, and how much you actually earn from your e-shop often depends on Google.

Google shopping ads

It is related to Google Ads. You can recognize them very easily in Google search. They appear in the results right on the top (also at the very bottom of the page) and are marked with a green rectangle that reads ‘Advertising.’ Thanks to them, e-shops have the opportunity to make their products visible and outperform the competition, who do not have Google Ads or have it set up poorly. That’s when BlueWinston comes on the scene. A tool that will help you even if you are not a expert on PPC campaigns and the term PPC may not even tell you anything.

Google shopping ads

Product campaign

If the customer knows what he wants, it’s easy. He enters the exact name, such as the name of the bicycle, into the search engine. Thanks to BlueWinston, you can promote any number of imaginary specific bikes from your online store completely automatically and you don’t have to spend hours setting up and editing them manually. You will save not only time but also money, because your advertising will be optimal.

Product-group campaign

Unfortunately, the customer does not always know exactly what he wants. He doesn’t know he wants a specific type of iron until he sees it. Here comes the competitive advantage of BlueWinston. Product-group campaigns. They differ from product campaigns in this: if you simply put a “Tefal iron” in the search engine, it will not only find one specific Tefal iron, but a whole group of Tefal irons. You have them in one place and you simply choose the one that suits you best.

Google shopping ads

Google shopping ads BlueWinston

DSA product campaign

The low searching volume is here again and it is a threat for e-shoppers. In the e-shop, you may have a product that Google doesn’t want to accept for you, and this product will never become a Google Ad. Or yes? With a little on-page SEO this won’t be a problem. It is enough if the products in the e-shop are really unique. The more unique, the better the results and the higher the profit.

DSA serves as a complement to product campaigns and also gives a chance to items that are more difficult to categorize, such as T-shirts.

Fully responsive design for desktops, tablets and mobile phones

Fully responsive design for desktops, tablets and mobile phones